About Us

About Us
  • Poly Courier Bags
  • Bubble Courier Bags
  • Security Bags Paper
  • paper Courier Bags
  • Tamper Proof Bags
  • Cash/Currency/Deposit Bags
  • Resalable Transparent Bags
  • Poly Courier Bags
About Jflexy

About us

Founded in 2020, JFlexy Packaging is into manufacturing of Premium Packaging Solution to meet the ever-changing need of customer worldwide.

JFlexy Packaging is team of young and experienced professionals, having vaste experience in manufacturing and export. JFlexy packaging offers a wide variety of specialized Courier Bag, Tamper Proof Bags, Bubble Bags, Security Bags, Cash Bags, Paper Bags which can be customized for all your business needs.We offer wholesale packaging and shipping for business solution for every industry.


our mission

Company is driven by its commitment of quality Service & Value of Money.


our vision

Aim to be global leaders in packaging industries.


our value

  • Quality Assurance
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Ethical Business

Certification & Awards

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015



Quality Policy

Quality Policy

Certificate of FSC

Certificate of FSC

Why choose us?


Innovative and reliable packaging solutions


Personalized Approach for your custom packaging


Consistency you can count on.

On Time Performance

High-quality assurance in every product.


Sustainable products for eco-conscious businesses


Decades of experience in crafting packaging solutions.


Performance-driven packaging solutions for every need.

Why Jflexy

Our Journey

  • Q3 - 2023

    Installed Additional New Poly Mailer Machine

  • Q1 - 2023

    Incorported as Pvt Ltd. Company

  • Q3 - 2022

    Installed new blown film extrusion line

  • Q4 - 2021

    Intalled New Flexo Printed Machine with 6 Colour

  • Q3 - 2021

    Installed Additional new Poly Mailer Machine

  • Q3 - 2021

    Installed the new Paper Mailer Machine

  • Q2 - 2021

    ISO & CE Certificate Recd

  • Q1 - 2021

    start manufacturing with temper evident bags

  • Q4 - 2020

    installed new poly Mailer machine

  • Q3 - 2020

    company establishment

Trusted by Companies